Ac.Sé Publications

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mon enfant anglais The booklet "My Child is Home Alone" has been published in French, Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian and English (for people from Nigeria and English-speaking regions of Africa.

It was created in collaboration with CIDDC (Child Rights Information Center, Moldova) and CAFSO-Wrag for Development (Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria).

This pamphlet was written for migrant parents in France whose children are still in their countries of origin. It aims to help parents maintain a relationship with their children and tries to alleviate the challenges that result from separation.


livre2The booklet "Your Rights in France" has been published in French, Romanian, and Bulgarian.

It was written for migrants living and/or working in France. It provides an overview of various parts of the French system, including health care, private and family life, work, legal residency, and access to justice and law enforcement.




makingoffThe DVD "Making Off" was produced by the National Network and financed by the Direction Générale de la Cohésion Sociale and the Municipality of Paris.

The first part of the film is aimed at professionals who are in regular or occasional contact with trafficking victims. It presents the phenomenon of human trafficking, the legal framework, the elements of identification, and treatment and support available to victims.

The second part consists of several videos, in various languages (Bulgarian, Romanian, English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese and French), that are aimed at victims of human trafficking. They explain the French legal system and relevant laws, measures of protection and assistance available, and the voluntarily repatriation process.

The production of this DVD was the result of an awareness campaign created by a multidisciplinary working group and managed by ALC and the manager of the National Network. Participants included:


  • la Direction Générale de l'Action Sociale, Ministère du Travail, des Relations Sociales et de la Solidarité. Ministère du Logement,
  • la Délégation Aux Victimes du Ministère de l'Intérieur,
  • le Bureau d'Aide aux Victimes du Ministère de la Justice,
  • le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères,
  • la Ville de Paris,
  • l'Office Central de Lutte contre le Travail Illégal,
  • l'Office Central de Répression de la Traite des Êtres Humains,
  • le Comité Contre l'Esclavage Moderne,
  • le Centre d'Hébergement "SOS Femmes Accueil."

It was distributed to social services, health services, organizations, training centers for social workers, services and offices concerning national education, magistrates and lawyers, police, gendarmerie, border control agents, services concerning immigration and asylum, and work inspection agencies.

guideacseA Practical Guide for professionals to ameliorate and harmonize the identification process and enhance the quality of assistance provided to victims of human trafficking.

An updated version of the guide will be available at the end of 2013.

This manual, available to associations and institutions that work with trafficking victims, includes examples taken from the fieldwork of the National Network's partners, as well as experiences from other French and international organizations and public institutions involved in this area.

After a general overview of the human trafficking phenomenon, the guide details the trafficking routes and the various forms of exploitation. It provides definitions of human trafficking and what it means to be a victim, in addition to a set of indicators that may be used to identify victims. The different stages of victim care are also described, including the evaluation and use of cultural mediation, the importance of security and the necessity of multidisciplinary cooperation.

The Guide also provides a valuable description of the legal aspects involved in victim support and the accompaniment of victims. Many legal implications are considered, including police custody, residence permits, access to care, job placement, voluntary repatriation, and access to shelters. The technical information is supported by case studies.

Preface : Jean Jacques TREGOAT Directeur Général de l'Action Sociale,
Postface : Anne HIDALGO Première Adjointe au Maire de Paris.

couvFBBDFeed-back is an in-depth analysis of measures of assistance available in six European countries. The analysis is based on evaluations that were directly provided by victims. The study also made it possible to follow the lives of the trafficking victim interviewees.

The study is the result of Daphné II, a European project, and it was realized by six organizations and public institutions: The Municipality of Madrid (Spain), The Association on the Road (Italy), Missing Persons' Families Support Center (Lithuania), Caritas Bucarest and Adpare (Romania), The Foundation Nadja (Bulgaria), and the Association ALC (coordinator of the project). L'Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur de Travail Social (IESTS) in Nice was an associate of the project. It was financed by the European Union, DGCS, and the Municipality of Madrid.